We bought a house!!!! We've had a long and crazy week since we are moving tonight! I'm excited to be in the new house!!! I'm sure my girls are ready to have some kind of order and routine back in their lives as well!!! The only problem with moving is that I will not have the internet or tv for 2 more weeks! So, I can answer emails and facebook via my iphone, but will not be able to blog or post sneek peeks unless I run to a friend's house! When I come back, I'll have lots to share from our new home and some photos!
Speaking of photos, my Saturdays for 2010 are now booked. I have a couple of Fridays that I might be able to squeeze a session in, so if you were wanting to book a session please book it soon! Otherwise, I'm scheduling for 2011. I can however still fit a few indoor sessions in that are during the weekdays. I also have one slot left for the mini sessions on November 13th at 8:30.