
Friday, October 29, 2010

Halloween Faces

Brianna's preschool had their Harvest Festival today! The girls and I had a lot of fun! Grandma Langstraat sent a Halloween package a few days ago with these cute costumes! I decided to try my hand at face painting for the first no laughing! I wish I had better paints and brushes for faces because I could have lots of fun with this! Maybe some day I'll do face painting at one of their birthdays...but I shouldn't get ahead of myself, I'm definitely a beginner!
Ummm, my favorite picture that captures her personality!!! I got away with calling her Panda in public without silly looks today!

Best friends!

What are your kids/grandkids going to be for Halloween this year?
Brianna is also going to be Sleeping Beauty for our church party tomorrow...she wishes she could dress up as something else every day! And she's hoping I'll paint her face pink tomorrow for Sleeping Beauty!

Kool Familiy

Sorry I've been absent from the blog for so long. With moving, having the stomach flu go through the family, no internet or tv for 2 weeks and taking 105 preschoolers pictures, I have been SWAMPED!!!! I have hardly had a night where I was able to go to bed before 12 or 2 in the morning!
So, I haven't been absent because I had nothing share, but just the opposite! Here is a cute family who's pictures I did a few weeks ago in Old Sacramento. I had a blast and feel like I have new friends!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Pink, Pink, Pink!

So, we still aren't moved all the way in, but we are getting there slowly! We are loving the new house and I'm having fun decorating the new place. Here is a tiny peek of Brianna's pink room! She begged to have a pink room, and though it wasn't what I had in mind, I really like it! I still have a lot more "decorating" to do in her room, so you don't get to see the whole thing yet. I'm hoping to take some of these pictures from this post and blow them up for her room! I just need the internet connection at home so I can order prints from my printing company! One more week and I should have the internet at home!!
Brianna got bunk beds in her room and she LOVES them! When Miranda gets older the girls will share the room!

Friday, October 8, 2010

Get Your Move On!

We bought a house!!!! We've had a long and crazy week since we are moving tonight! I'm excited to be in the new house!!! I'm sure my girls are ready to have some kind of order and routine back in their lives as well!!! The only problem with moving is that I will not have the internet or tv for 2 more weeks! So, I can answer emails and facebook via my iphone, but will not be able to blog or post sneek peeks unless I run to a friend's house! When I come back, I'll have lots to share from our new home and some photos!
Speaking of photos, my Saturdays for 2010 are now booked. I have a couple of Fridays that I might be able to squeeze a session in, so if you were wanting to book a session please book it soon! Otherwise, I'm scheduling for 2011. I can however still fit a few indoor sessions in that are during the weekdays. I also have one slot left for the mini sessions on November 13th at 8:30.