Brianna has had a very exciting week! I decided that she was doing well enough with food lately that I'd let her start to eat normal food (though I should have started out more slowly with one type of food item at a time). She's been on a gluten, dairy, soy and nut free diet for almost 2 years. She was also free of eggs, citrus and berries for at least a year as well. Last week I let her eat "normal" food (anything except most citrus stuff) and she seems to be doing ok. She has had a little bit of a runny nose here and there which I'm not sure if it's food related or a little left over from a little cold she had already gotten over. I guess time will tell. I still need to look out for eczema patches, etc. but she seems to be doing pretty well. She hasn't had any tummy troubles though! Sooooo, she's been one super happy little girl! All throughout the day she asks, "Can I try______?" and then responds after eating the item, "Oh, it's so delicious!" She is in heaven...pure heaven I tell you! She'll just be absolutely devasted if I have to take it all away again. Maybe I should have introduced it more slowly, but I was feeling a little overwhelmed and seeing her so happy I couldn't help myself!
Cross your fingers that she can eat like a normal kid!!!! We are so excited to start taking her out on "dates" to eat things that she hasn't been able to do. We are still avoiding high doses of milk like ice cream or glasses of milk, and citrus, but most everything else is up for trying!!! This gives me hope that someday Panda will be able to eat something more than a rice cracker!
Here is Bri with her friend Kaylee. Kaylee just turned 8 and is getting baptized so I was taking her pictures and brought Bri along. Bri had a little mini shoot as well! She kills me with her poses. She asked me, "Mom, does Kaylee know how to model like me, or do I need to show her?" I guess we need to work on her being modest about her talents! Love her though!

I bought this rain jacket and boots for photoshoots and we ended up using it on the hottest day of the year so far!!! We'll have to try it again on a rainy day! I love it!
I also made these ruffle jeans the other day and was wanting to take pictures of them! They are so versatile with her outfits, and help dress things up "just enough." I just need to make Panda a pair!

She seems like such a "big girl" here!