Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Fashion Show Pre-Preview

Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Tea Party Time
Enjoy! Now I need to decide which ones to blow up for a collection on the wall! Are there any specific ones that you think should be up on the wall?

For those that I know are going to ask: I bought Miranda's dress at Gap a in the fall. I made Brianna's dress and both girls' hair accessories. (Brianna's dress is made of pre ruffled fabric from rufflefabric.com). The tea cart I bought at a yard sale this weekend, along with the napkins.
Monday, May 23, 2011
I Heart My Family!!!
took our family pictures this weekend. We decided to do a trade, so she took the pictures and I edited them. (We will be doing her pictures soon.) We ventured out to the field in Rocklin that I love, but the grass is no longer green and is just a bunch of really uncomfortable weeds to stand in! This resulted in unhappy kids that didn't want to stand. Miranda woke up at 4:30 that morning and never napped, so by 6:30 that evening she was not in the mood for pictures. Despite all of these things, Megan did a great job. Don't look closely at our feet though because we are covered in the blackest dirt up to our knees!
Now I need to pick a picture to blow up really big for our wall...I'm leaning towards the first one, but what do you think?
Thank heavens I know how to swap heads in Photoshop because my girls just wouldn't cooperate in the family pictures at the same time!!
One of the main questions I get is "what should we wear?" So I'll break down our outfits for you. I stuck to 3 colors that coordinated. Blue, greens and whites, with a small dash of pink. If there were more people in the photo, I would've added more of the pink to the collection. You want to coordinate, but not be "matchy matchy." I also took into consideration who would be holding who when coordinating outfits. I wanted Miranda's green against my blue and Brianna's blue and white against her Daddy's green shirt. I will do a more detailed "what to wear" post soon. This girl, with her curl in the middle of her forhead! I love her! She's absolutely crazy, and full of life, and I wouldn't trade her for anything in the world.
The headband that Miranda is wearing is from Ruffles and Fringe.
After Megan left I took some shots of Brianna. I love this girl! And I wish I could've gotten some of Miranda, but she was sooooooooo done at this point. She's been quite a challenge to photograph even on a good day!!!
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Christiansen: Mommy and Me Mini Session

Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Gwyneth Harper Stepp

I can't decide if I like the color or the black and white better. I used to love black and whites, but I've been leaning more toward color these days. What do you think?

Congratulations Tracy and Brandon! You have a beautiful baby girl!!